Thursday, June 6, 2013

God our Comfort in Chaos & how stress affects our health and weight loss

Zephanaiah17 The Lord your God is with you,
                 the Mighty Warrior who saves.
                 He will take great delight in you;
                in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
                 but will rejoice over you with singing.”

 We live in the flesh everyday, our mind and emotions listening to two voices (the worldly pollution) and the Holy Spirit living inside you. Chaos ensues at times. What we want to do in the flesh and what our spirit tells us which is always best. The chaos causes us to lose focus, we may begin to seek attention, fulfillment in the wrong places. If you are a mindless food eater then this hits home for you. If you are a comfort eater then this hits home for you too because comfort is found in food for many people (Obese or Underweight)

Chaos causes the first instinctual response in the Brain which is to calm but the problem is there is no real calming factor that happens inside the body. Genetically when we experience chaos and stress our body reacts by producing stress hormones like Cortisol. Cortisol stress hormone causes us to linger with hunger, cause us to retain weight, cause our metabolism to slow down. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear.

Why do you think that is? Why would our Amazing God make our body's to respond counter intuitively? We are so amazingly and uniquely created so divine and different from any other species on the planet, so why not make us with the ability for our body to relax and find comfort in the flesh vs the complete opposite? That is because Cortisol is exactly what you need in an emergency! God wanted us to have exactly what we need in order to react in the exact time of need! It was meant to work along with adrenaline and other endorphins to help with fight/flight response. Yet the problem is, we live with so much stress that those occurrences happen multiple times a day or week without us even really realizing it.  

So if you are constantly stressed how you are handling it today? What is the habit that you have chosen to deal with your stress?

God is that amazing that he knows the ONLY true way to find comfort is through HIM! Through prayer and worship you can lower your stress and find comfort in him.  What if every time you found yourself amidst the chaos and the comfort of the chocolate is what is calling your name, you instead get down on your knees and pray? You'll grow with your relationship with God. You'll be restored and filled. The Lord will always comfort you. 

Will you miraculously be able to stand up from prayer and walk right past the pantry without a food thought? Totally possible and happens! Yet you must also begin to exercise more restraint as well. You will pray and worship and then make conscious healthy choices to meet the Lord in the middle. He will do his part and you'll do yours. Go for a walk, grab an apple ......this is what you can along with the Lord stay healthy and gain control over your food and Grow in the Lord!

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