Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Food Guilt - Let the Lord Clear Your Conscious Hebrews 10:22

 Hebrews 10:22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

As I coach people in weight loss there is a constant perpetual cycle of  Over- Restriction →Over-Eating→ Guilt →Over Restriction→OverEating → Guilt and on and on and on.........

When a person restricts their food to the point that they can't sustain the strict restriction they often cave and "over eat" or "binge" and then after that floods of guilt comes in. The guilt causes us to stay away from starting over- or just becomes a vicious cycle. 

There is one true cure from the guilty feelings that come from over-eating or staying complacent in an active lifestyle. Let the Lord our God  wash and purify you. Don't let the guilt keep you from trying again. Don't let the guilt give you a permission slip to continue on in  unhealthy way of living or staying sedentary. 

I want you to keep Faith, I want you to let the Lord restore your body and purify your spirit with the Living Water which is pure and clean. Clear your conscious on a daily basis (Multi-daily) basis. Learn to bring it to God and Keep Running & Fueling on Faith ♥ 

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